教育統計指標之國際比較 (2022年版)-EXCEL檔
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目次 Contents
壹、「教育統計指標之國際比較」提要分析 A. Analysis of International Comparison of Education Statistical Indicators
貳、統計表 B. Tables
一、在學狀況與學生 Access to Education and Students
表1-1 各級教育粗在學率─按性別分 Gross Enrollment Ratio by Educational Level and Gender
表1-2 各級教育總淨在學率─按性別分 Total Net Enrollment Rate by Educational Level and Gender
表1-3 15-20 歲學齡人口淨在學率─按教育級別分 Enrolment Rates from Age 15 to 20 by Level of Education
表1-4 國小學齡前一年組織學習參與率 Participation Rate in Organized Learning (One Year Before the Official Primary Entry Age)
表1-5 預期受教育年數 Expected Years in Education for Age 5 and Above by Gender
表1-6 主要國家高等教育學生占總人口比率 Students Enrolled in Tertiary Education as Proportion to Total Population
表1-7 中等以下學校學生就讀公私立學校結構 Students Enrolled in Public and Private Institutions in Primary
表1-8 高級中等教育學生人數結構─按課程型態分 Student Enrollment in Upper Secondary Education by Types of Programme
表1-9 高等教育學生人數結構─按學習型態及學校型態分 Students Enrolled in Tertiary Education by Modes of Study and Types of Institution
表1-10 高等教育畢業學生就讀學科之結構 Distribution of Tertiary Graduates by Field of Study
表1-11 高等教育女性畢業生所占比率─按學位分 Percentage of Female Graduates, by Tertiary ISCED Level
表1-12 我國大專校院境外學生人數—按國別分 Non-citizen Students in Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges-By Countries
表1-13 我國辦理出國留學簽證人數 Number of Students Applying for Visas to Study Abroad
表1-14 高等教育國際學生人數占高等教育學生人數比率 Inbound Mobility Rate in Tertiary Education
表1-15 高等教育出國留學生人數占高等教育學生人數比率 Outbound Mobility Ratio in Tertiary Education
二、教師與學習環境 Teachers and the Learning Environment
表2-1 各級學校平均每位教師教導學生數 Ratio of Students to Teacher, by Levels of Education
表2-2 平均每班學生人數─按公私立與教育級別分 Average Class Size, by Type of Institution and Levels of Education
表2-3 各級教育女性教師所占比率 Percentage of Female Teacher in Public and Private Institutions by Levels of Education, Based on Head Counts
表2-4 教師工作時數結構 The Organisation of Teachers' Working Time
表2-5 教師薪資 Teachers' Salaries
表2-6 教師年齡結構─按教育級別與年齡組別分 Age Distribution of Teachers by Levels of Education and Age Group, Based on Head Counts
表2-7 教師流失率 Teacher Attrition Rate by Education Level
表2-8 教師在職訓練率 Percentage of Teachers Who Received In-service Training
表2-9 SDG 4 指標性別平衡指數 Gender Parity Indices for SDG 4 Indicators
表2-10 提供基礎設施服務之學校比率 Proportion of Schools Offering Basic Services, by Type of Service
三、教育成果 Educational Outcomes
表3-1 25-64 歲人口教育程度結構 Educational Attainment of the 25-64 Year-Olds Population
表3-2 受高級中等以上教育之人口比率─按年齡組別分 Percentage of the Population that has Attained at Least Upper Secondary Education, by Age Group
表3-3 受高等教育之人口比率─按年齡組別分 Percentage of the Population that has Attained Tertiary Education
表3-4 25 歲以上人口平均就學年數 Mean Years of Schooling for Age 25 and Above
表3-5 中等以下教育完成率 Completion Rate─Primary Education, Lower Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education
表3-6 25-64 歲之就業者占民間人口之比率─按教育程度別分 Number of 25-64 Year-Olds in Employment as a Percentage of the Population Aged 25 to 64, by Levels of Educational Attainment
表3-7 失業率─按25-64 歲之失業者之教育程度及性別分 Unemployment Rate by Levels of Educational Attainment and Gender for 25-64 Year-Olds
表3-8 受僱員工薪資結構─按25-64 歲、25-34 歲及55-64 歲者之教育程度及性別分 Relative Earnings of the Population with Income from Employment by Levels of Educational Attainment and Gender for 25-64 Year-Olds , 25-34 Year-Olds and 55-64 Year-Olds
表3-9 國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查(TIMSS)與國際閱讀素養評比(PIRLS)成績統計 Achievements of Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study and Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
表3-10 15 歲學生國際學生能力評量計畫(PISA)成績統計 Achievements of 15 Year Olds Students on the Programme for International Student Assessment
表3-11 我國學生參加亞太 (含亞洲) 及國際奧林匹亞競賽成績統計 Medals Attained by Our Students in the Asian Pacific/International Olympiad
表3-12 我國學生參加國際科學展覽會(ISEF)歷年成績統計 Awards of Our Students in International Science and Engineering Fair
表3-13 我國學生參加國際資訊類及技能競賽歷年成績統計 Medals Attained by Our Students Attending the International Information/Technique Tournaments
表3-14 世界大學排名 World University Rankings
表3-15 英語水平─托福測驗分數 English Proficiency─TOEFL
表3-16 SCIE 各國論文發表篇數及名次 Annual Papers and Rank by Nationality in SCIE
表3-17 EI 各國論文發表篇數及名次 Annual Papers and Rank by Nationality in EI
表3-18 SSCI 各國論文發表篇數及名次 Annual Papers and Rank by Nationality in SSCI
表3-19 A&HCI 各國論文發表篇數及名次 Annual Papers and Rank by Nationality in A&HCI
表3-20 研究發展人力 R&D Personnel
表3-21 青年與成人正規及非正規教育訓練參與率 Participation Rate of Youth and Adults in Formal and Non-formal Education and Training
四、教育經費 Financial Resources Invested in Education
表4-1 教育經費占國內生產毛額比率─按教育級別分 Expenditure on Educational Institutions as a Percentage of GDP, by Types of Institution and Levels of Education
表4-2 公部門教育經費占國內生產毛額比率 Public Expenditure on Education as a Percentage of GDP
表4-3 政府教育經費占政府歲出比率 Government Expenditure on Education as a Percentage of Total Public Expenditure
表4-4 平均每生使用教育經費 Expenditure on Educational Institutions per Student
表4-5 平均每生使用教育經費占平均每人國內生產毛額之比率 Expenditure on Educational Institutions per Student Relative to GDP Per Capita
表4-6 教育機構經費結構─按經資門別分 Expenditure on Educational Institutions by Resource Category
表4-7 研究發展經費占國內生產毛額比率 R&D Expenditure as a Percentage of GDP
表4-8 研究發展經費結構─按執行部門別分 R&D Expenditure by Sector of Performance
表4-9 主要國家之大學生學雜費占平均每人國內生產毛額比率 Tuition and Fees in Tertiary Education per Student Relative to Per Capita GDP
表4-10 主要國家之大學生學雜費 Tuition and Fees in Tertiary Education
五、附錄 Appendix
附錄1 2021 年 OECD 計算指標所使用之會計年度與學年度 School Year and Financial Year Used for the Calculation of Indicators of OECD Countries
附錄2 義務教育概況 Length and Starting Age of Compulsory Education
附錄3 經濟成長率、國內生產毛額與平均每人國內生產毛額 Economic Growth Rate, Gross Domestic Product and Gross Domestic Product Per Capita
附錄4 主要國家所得分配狀況 Income Distribution in Major Countries
參、名詞解釋 C. Glossary
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