教育統計指標之國際比較 (2021年版)-EXCEL檔
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編輯說明 Explanatory Note
目次 Contents
一、教育概況 Summary of Education
簡要分析 Brief Analysis
(一)、各級教育概況 Summary of Education at All Levels
表1-1-1 各級教育粗在學率─按性別分 Gross Enrollment Ratio by Educational Level and Gender
表1-1-2 各級教育總淨在學率─按性別分 Total Net Enrollment Rate by Educational Level and Gender
表1-1-3 15-20歲學齡人口淨在學率─按教育級別分 Transition Characteristics from Age 15 to 20, According to Net Enrollment Rate, by Levels of Education
表1-1-4 各級學校平均每位教師教導學生數 Number of Students Per Teacher, by Levels of Education, Calculations Based on Full-Time Equivalents
表1-1-5 各級教育女性教師所占比率 Percentage of Female Teaching Staff in Public and Private Institutions by Levels of Education, Based on Head Counts
(二)、教育程度 Levels of Education
表1-2-1 25-64歲人口教育程度結構 Trends in Educational Attainment of the 25-to-64-Year-Olds Population
表1-2-2 25-64歲之就業者占民間人口之比率─按教育程度別分 Number of 25-to-64-Year-Olds in Employment as a Percentage of the Population Aged 25 to 64, by Levels of Educational Attainment
表1-2-3 受高級中等以上教育之人口比率─按年齡組別分 Percentage of the Population that has Attained at Least Upper Secondary Education, by Age Group
表1-2-4 受高等教育之人口比率─按年齡組別分 Percentage of the Population that has Attained Diploma Education or Bachelor Degree and Advanced Research Programmes, by Age Group
表1-2-5 25歲以上人口平均就學年數 Mean Years of Schooling for Age 25 Plus
二、國民教育及高級中等教育 Primary Education and Secondary Education
簡要分析 Brief Analysis
表2-1 中等以下學校學生就讀公私立學校結構 Students Enrolled in Public and Private Institutions in Primary and Secondary Education
表2-2 平均每班學生人數─按公私立與教育級別分 Average Class Size, by Type of Institution and Levels of Education
表2-3 教師工作時數結構─按學年計算 The Organisation of Teachers' Working Time
表2-4 教師薪資 Teachers' Salaries
表2-5 教師年齡結構─按教育級別與年齡組別分 Age Distribution of Teachers by Levels of Education and Age Group,Based on Head Counts
表2-6 高級中等學校學生人數結構─按課程型態分 Student Enrollment in Upper Secondary Institutions by Types of Programme
三、高等教育 Tertiary Education
簡要分析 Brief Analysis
表3-1 高等教育學生人數結構─按學校型態及學習型態分 Students Enrolled in Public and Private Institutions in Tertiary Education by Types of Institution and Modes of Study
表3-2 高等教育畢業學生就讀學科之結構 Distribution of Tertiary Graduates by Field of Study
表3-3 高等教育女性畢業生所占比率─按學位分 Percentage of Female Graduates, by Tertiary ISCED Level
表3-4 主要國家之大學生學雜費占平均每人國內生產毛額比率 Tuition and Fees on Tertiary Education Per Student Relative to Per Capita GDP
表3-5 主要國家之大學生學雜費 Tuition and Fees in Tertiary Education
表3-6 主要國家高等教育學生占總人口比率 Students Enrolled in Tertiary Education as Proportion to Total Population
表3-7 我國大專校院境外學生人數—按國別分 Non-citizen Students in Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges-By Countries
表3-8 我國辦理出國留學簽證人數 Number of Students Applying for Visas to Study Abroad
表3-9 高等教育國際學生人數占高等教育學生人數比率 The Ratio of Foreign Tertiary-level Students Mobility Inbound to Tertiary Students
表3-10 高等教育出國留學生人數占高等教育學生人數比率 The Ratio of National Tertiary-level Students Mobility Outbound to Tertiary Students
四、教育經費 Expenditures on Education
簡要分析 Brief Analysis
表4-1 教育經費占國內生產毛額比率─按教育級別分 Expenditure on Educational Institutions as a Percentage of GDP, by Types of Institution and Levels of Education
表4-2 公部門教育經費占國內生產毛額比率 Public Expenditure on Education as a Percentage of GDP
表4-3 政府教育經費占政府歲出比率 Government Expenditure on Education as a Percentage of Total Public Expenditure
表4-4 平均每生使用教育經費 Expenditure on Educational Institutions Per Student
表4-5 平均每生使用教育經費占平均每人國內生產毛額之比率 Expenditure on Educational Institutions Per Student Relative to GDP Per Capita
表4-6 教育機構經費結構─按經資門別分 Expenditure on Educational Institutions by Resource Category
表4-7 研究發展經費占國內生產毛額比率 R&D Expenditure as a Percentage of GDP
表4-8 研究發展經費結構─按執行部門別分 R&D Expenditure by Sector of Performance
五、教育成果之評估 Assessment of Educational Achievements
簡要分析 Brief Analysis
表5-1 國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查(TIMSS)報告與國際閱讀素養評比(PIRLS)成績統計 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study & Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
表5-2 15歲學生PISA測驗成績統計 Reading, Math and Science Scores of 15-Year-Olds on the PISA
表5-3 我國學生參加亞太(含亞洲)及國際奧林匹亞競賽成績統計 Medals Attained by Our Students in the Asian Pacific/International Olympiad
表5-4 我國學生參加英特爾國際科技展覽競賽歷年成績統計 Awardees and Participants of Our Students in ISEF
表5-5 我國學生參加國際資訊類及技能競賽歷年成績統計 Medals Attained by Our Students Attending the International Information/Technique Tournaments
表5-6 世界大學排名 World University Rankings
表5-7 英語水平─托福測驗分數 English Proficiency - TOEFL
表5-8 SCI各國論文發表篇數及名次 Annual Papers and Rank by Nationality in SCI
表5-9 EI各國論文發表篇數及名次 Annual Papers and Rank by Nationality in EI
表5-10 SSCI各國論文發表篇數及名次Annual Papers and Rank by Nationality in SSCI
表5-11 A&HCI各國論文發表篇數及名次 Annual Papers and Rank by Nationality in A&HCI
表5-12 研究發展人力 R&D Personnel
六、附錄 Appendix
附錄1 2019年OECD計算指標所使用之會計年度與學年度 School Year and Financial Year Used for the Calculation of Indicators in OECD, 2019
附錄2 預期受教育年數 Expected Years of Schooling for Age 5 and Above by Gender
附錄3 主要國家義務教育概況 Length and Starting Age of Compulsory Education
附錄4 經濟成長率、國內生產毛額與平均每人國內生產毛額 Economic Growth Rate, Gross Domestic Product and Per Capita Gross Domestic Product
附錄5 失業率─按25-64歲之失業者之教育程度及性別分 Unemployment Rate by Levels of Educational Attainment and Gender for 25-to-64-Year-Olds
附錄6 受僱員工薪資結構─按25-64歲、25-34歲及55-64歲者之教育程度及性別分 Relative Earnings of the Population with Income from Employment by Levels of Educational Attainment and Gender for 25-to-64-Year-Olds , 25-to-34-Year-Olds and 55-to-64-Year-Olds
附錄7 主要國家所得分配狀況 Income Distribution in Major Countries
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