教育統計 (96年版)-EXCEL檔
(一)各級教育簡況 Summary of education at all levels
1.各級學校概況 Summary of education at all levels
2.各級學校校數 Number of schools at all levels
3.各級學校專任教師人數 Number of teachers at all levels
4.各級學校職員人數 Number of staffs at all levels
5.各級學校班級數 Number of classes at all levels
6.各級學校學生人數 -- 公私立別 Number of students at all levels-- by public or private
6.各級學校學生人數 -- 性別 Number of students at all levels-- by sex
7.各級學校畢業生人數 Number of graduates at all levels
8.各級學校學生人數占年底人口千分比 Students and population ratio
9.適齡及學齡兒童就學率 Percentage of school children to school-aged children
10.各級畢業生升學率 Net percentage of graduates entering advanced levels
11.國中及高中畢業生就學機會率 Gross % of jr. high & sr. high school graduates entering advanced levels
12.各級學校女性教師人數及所占比率 Number and percentage of female teachers at all levels
13.各級教育學齡人口在學率 Enrollment rates of school-aged population group
14.大專校院招生報考及錄取人數 Summary of entrance examination for uni., coll. and jr. colleges
15.公私立各級教育經費支出總額 Total educational expenditures
16.各級學校經費支出 Total educational expenditures at all level of schools
17.各級政府教育經費支出(預算數) Public educational expenditures by governments
18.私立各級學校經費支出總額 Private educational expenditures at all level of schools
19.教育經費占國民(內)生產毛額比率 The ratio of educational expenditures to GNP,GDP
20.外國在華留學生人數 Foreign students in R.O.C.
21.公費留學生出國人數 Students from R.O.C. studying abroad by government-financed only
22.公費留考錄取人數 Students studying abroad with government financial aid
23.我國辦理留學簽證人數統計 Number of students applying for visa to study abroad
(二)九十五學年度各級教育現況 Current data
1.幼稚教育 Pre-school education
(1)幼稚園概況 --- 學校隸屬別 Summary of kindergartens-- by public or private
(2)幼稚園概況 --- 學校所在地區別 Summary of kindergartens-- by location of schools
2.國民教育 Nine-year compulsory education
(1)國民小學概況--學校隸屬別 Summary of primary schools -- by public or private
(1)國民小學概況-- 學校所在地區別 Summary of primary schools -- by location of schools
(2)國民小學校數 Number of primary schools
(3)國民小學教師人數 Number of teachers in primary schools
(4)國民小學班級數 Number of classes in primary schools
(5)國民小學學生人數 Number of students in primary schools
(6)國民中學概況 學校隸屬別 Summary of junior high schools -- by public or private
(6)國民中學概況-學校所在地區別 Summary of junior high schools -- by location of schools
(7)國民中學校數 Number of junior high schools
(8)國民中學教師人數 Number of teachers in junior high schools
(9)國民中學學生人數 Number of students in junior high schools
3.高級中等教育 Senior secondary education
(1)高級中學概況-- 學校隸屬別 Summary of senior high schools -- by public or private
(1)高級中學概況-- 學校所在地區別 Summary of senior high schools -- by location of schools
(2)高級中學教師人數 Number of teachers in senior high schools
(3)高級中學學生人數 Number of students in senior high schools
(4)綜合高中概況 Summary of comprehensive high schools
(5)高級中學附設職業類科概況 Summary of senior vocational schools affiliated to senior high schools
(6)高級職業學校概況--學校隸屬別 Summary of senior vocational schools-- by public or private
(6)高級職業學校概況-- 學校所在地區別 Summary of senior vocational schools-- by location of schools
(7)高級職業學校校數 Number of senior vocational schools
(8)高級職業學校教師及職員人數(按學校類別) No. of teachers & staffs in sr. vocational schools (By schools classification)
(9)高級職業學校教師人數 Number of teachers in senior vocational schools
(10)高級職業學校班級數 Number of classes in senior vocational schools
(11)高級職業學校學生人數--年級別及年齡別Number of students in senior vocational schools --by grades and ages
(11)高級職業學校學生人數--學校類別Number of students in senior vocational schools -- by schools classification
(11)高級職業學校學生人數--夜間部No.of students in sr. vocational schools -- Evening session
(12)高級職業學校畢業生人數 Number of graduates from senior vocational schools
(13)中等學校僑生人數 Number of overseas Chinese students in secondary schools
4.高等教育 Higher education
(1)大專校院概況 Summary of universities, colleges and junior colleges
(2)大學校院校數及研究所數 Number of universities,colleges and graduate schools
(3)專科學校校數 Number of junior colleges
(4)大專校院研究所及科系數 No. of graduate schools and departments in uni., coll. and jr. colleges
(5)大專校院專任教師及助教人數 No. of full-time teachers and assistants inuni., coll. and jr. colleges
大學校院 Universities and colleges
專科學校 Junior colleges
(6)大專校院兼任教師人數 Number of part-time teachers in uni., coll. and jr. colleges
(7)大專校院班級數 Number of classes in universities, colleges and junior colleges
程度別 by levels of education
研究類別 by course of study
(8)大專校院學生人數 Number of students in universities, colleges and junior colleges
研究類別 by course of study
年齡別 by ages
程度別 by levels of education
(9)大專校院畢業人數 Number of graduates from universities, colleges and junior colleges
(10)大專校院在學僑生人數 Number of overseas Chinese students in uni., coll. and jr. colleges
(11)大專校院畢業僑生人數 Number of overseas Chinese graduates from uni., coll. and jr. colleges
(12)空中大學概況 Summary of open universities
5.特殊教育 Special education
(1)特殊學校概況 Summary of special schools
(2)國中、國小學附設特殊班概況 Summary of special classes affiliated to primary schools and secondary schools
(3)高中、高職附設特殊班概況 Summary of special classes affiliated to Senior high and vocational schools
(4)特殊學校年級別及年齡別學生人數 Number of students in special schools by grades and ages
6.補習及進修教育 Supplementary and continuing education
(1)國民中小學附設補習學校概況 Summary of supplementary primary and junior high schools
學校隸屬別 by public or private
學校所在地區別 by location of schools
年級別及年齡別學生數 Number of students by Grades and ages
(2)高級進修學校概況 Summary of senior secondary continuing education
(3)高級進修學校年齡別學生數 Number of students by ages
(4) 高級職業進修學校學生數及畢業生數(按學科類別分) Number of students and graduates
(5)大專進修學校概況 Summary of college and junior college continuing education
(6)專科進修學校各科系學生數與畢業生數 No. of students and graduates in junior college continuing education - by courses of study
(7)進修學院各科系學生數與畢業生數 No. of students and graduates in college continuing education - by courses of study
(8)空中進修專校及空中進修學院學生人數 Number off students of affiliated continuing
(9)實用技能學程概況 The practical technical program
附錄 Appendix
附1.各級學校縣市別學生人數(按學校所在地分) Number of students by location of schools
附2.原住民學生數 Students of aborigines
附3.各級學校圖書館(室)概況 All school library statistics
(1)國中、國小 Primary and junior high schools
(2)高中、高職 Senior high and vocational schools
(3)大專校院 Universities, colleges and junior colleges
附4.中等以下學校校舍校地概況 Area of primary and secondary school buildings and schools sites
(1)國中、國小 Primary and junior high schools
(2)高中、高職 Senior high and vocational schools
附5.中等以下學校學生裸視視力 Eyesight of primary and secondary school students
(1)國中、國小 Primary and junior high schools
(2)高中、高職 Senior high and vocational schools
附6.各級學校年齡別學生人數 Number of students at all levels by ages
附7.大專各校簡況 List of universities, colleges and Junior colleges
附8.大專校院各科系學生人數 Number of students by course of study
(1)研究所 Graduate school
(2)大學本科 University and college
(3)二年制專科 2 - year junior college
(4)五年制專科 5 - year junior college
附9.大專校院各系所畢業生人數 Number of graduates by course of study
(1)博士學位,碩士學位及學士學位 Doctor, master & bachelor degree
(2)專科學位 Diploma
附10.招收單一性別學生之中等以下學校一覽表 List of single-gender schools at the primary and secondary level
附11.綜合高中學校一覽表 List of comprehensive high schools
附12.中等學校學生獎懲人數 Case of student discipline and achievements in secondary schools
附13.各級學校校園事件統計 Incidents and misbehavior cases at all levels of schools
教育部九十五年大事記 Chronicle Events of the Ministry