教育統計 (108年版)-EXCEL檔
目次 Contents
編輯說明 Explanatory Notes
各級教育現況與變化趨勢分析 The Status and Trend Analysis of All Levels of Education
主要教育統計指標 Main Education Statistical Indicators

統計表 Statistical Tables
一、歷年度各級教育簡況 Historical Data of Education at All Levels
(一)學校概況 Summary
表A1 - 1 各級學校校數 Number of Schools at All Levels
表A1 - 2 各級學校專任教師人數 Number of Full-Time Teachers at All Levels of Schools
表A1 - 3 各級學校職員人數 Number of Staffs at All Levels of Schools
表A1 - 4 各級學校學生人數—按設立別分 Number of Students at All Levels of Schools - By Public and Private
表A1 - 5 各級學校學生人數—按性別分 Number of Students at All Levels of Schools - By Gender
表A1 - 6 各級學校畢業生人數 Number of Graduates at All Levels of Schools
表A1 - 7 各級學校原住民學生概況 Students of Indigene at All Levels of Schools
表A1 - 8 中等以下學校班級數 Number of Classes in Elementary and Secondary Schools
表A1 - 9 新住民子女就讀幼兒園及國中小學生人數 Number of Children of New Immigrants who Study in Preschool, Primary and Junior High Schools
表A1-10 非學校型態實驗教育學生概況 Summary of Students at Non-School-Based of Experimental Education
表A1-11 國民中小學中輟生人數 Number of Dropouts in Primary School and Junior High School
表A1-12 高級中等學校學生休學人數 Number of Suspended Students in Senior Secondary Schools
表A1-13 高級中等學校學生學籍喪失人數 Number of Withdrawn Students in Senior Secondary Schools
表A1-14 大專校院學生休、退學人數 Number of Students Suspending or Withdrawing from Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges
表A1-15 大專校院外籍專任教師人數—按學門別分 Number of Full-Time Foreign Teachers in Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges - By Fields of Teaching
表A1-16 大專校院招生管道及錄取人數 Summary of Entrance System for Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges
表A1-17 大專校院學士班及專科延修生人數 Number of Super Senior Students in Bachelor Program and Junior Colleges
表A1-18 大專校院新生註冊人數與註冊率 Summary of Registration Rate for Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges
(二)教育相關指標 Education Indicators
表A2 - 1 各級學校平均每位教師教導學生數 Number of Students Per Teacher at All Levels
表A2 - 2 各級學校女性教師人數及所占比率 Number and Percentage of Female Teachers at All Levels of Schools
表A2 - 3 各級教育學齡人口淨在學率 Net Enrollment Rate of Each Level of Schools
表A2 - 4 各級教育學齡人口粗在學率 Gross Enrollment Ratio of Each Level of Schools
表A2 - 5 各級學校學生人數占年底人口比率 Number of Students at All Levels of Schools and Rate of Population
表A2 - 6 中等以下學校平均每班學生人數 Number of Students Per Class in Elementary and Secondary Schools
表A2 - 7 中等以下學校各級畢業生升學率 Net Percentage of Graduates Entering Next Levels of Education from Elementary and Secondary Schools
(三)教育經費 Financial Resources Invested
表A3 - 1 教育經費占國民所得(國內生產)毛額比率 The Percentage of Educational Expenditures to GNI, GDP
表A3 - 2 各級政府教育經費支出 Public Educational Expenditure by Governments
表A3 - 3 各級學校經費支出-按學年分 Total Educational Expenditure at All Levels of Schools - By School Year
表A3 - 4 各級學校經費支出-按經資門分 Total Educational Expenditure at All Levels of Schools - By Recurrent and Capital
表A3 - 5 各級學校平均每生分攤經費 Educational Expenditure Per Student at All Levels
表A3 - 6 大專校院平均學雜費占平均每人國內生產毛額比率 Tuition and Fees on Tertiary Education(Ave.) Per Student Relative to Per Capita GDP
(四)留學及境外學生 Students Studying Abroad and Foreign Students
表A4 - 1 公費留學生出國人數 Government-financed R.O.C. Students Studying Abroad
表A4 - 2 公費留學考試錄取人數 R.O.C. Students Who Passed Government Financial Aid Exam
表A4 - 3 我國辦理留學簽證人數統計 Number of Students Applying for Student Visas to Study Abroad
表A4 - 4 大專校院境外學生人數 Non-citizen Students in Universities,Colleges and Junior Colleges
二、107 學年度各級教育概況 Data for School Year 2018
(一)各級學校 Summary of Education at All Levels
表B1 - 1 各級學校概況—校數、專任教師數及職員數 Summary of Education at All Levels of Schools - Numbers of Schools, Full-Time Teachers and Staffs
表B1 - 2 各級學校概況—學生數及畢業生數 Summary of Education at All Levels of Schools - Number of Students and Graduates
表B1 - 3 各級學校年齡別學生人數 Number of Students at All Levels of Schools - By Ages
表B1 - 4 各級學校縣市別學生人數 Number of Students at All Levels of Schools - By Locations of Schools
表B1 - 5 各級學校校園事件統計 Incidents and Protection Cases at All Levels of Schools
(二)學前教育 Preschool Education
表B2 - 1 幼兒園概況—按設立別分 Summary of Preschools - By Public and Private
表B2 - 2 幼兒園概況—按學校所在縣市別分 Summary of Preschools - By Locations of Schools
表B2 - 3 幼兒園所數 Number of Preschools
表B2 - 4 幼兒園教保服務人員人數 Number of Preschool Educators
(三)國民教育 Nine-Year Compulsory Education
表B3 - 1 國民小學概況—按設立別分 Summary of Primary Schools - By Public and Private
表B3 - 2 國民小學概況—按學校所在縣市別分 Summary of Primary Schools - By Locations of Schools
表B3 - 3 國民小學校數 Number of Primary Schools
表B3 - 4 國民小學教師人數Number of Teachers in Primary Schools
表B3 - 5 國民小學班級數 Number of Classes in Primary Schools
表B3 - 6 國民小學學生人數 Number of Students in Primary Schools
表B3 - 7 國民中學概況—按設立別分 Summary of Junior High Schools - By Public and Private
表B3 - 8 國民中學概況—按學校所在縣市別分 Summary of Junior High Schools - By Locations of Schools
表B3 - 9 國民中學校數 Number of Junior High Schools
表B3-10 國民中學教師人數 Number of Teachers in Junior High Schools
表B3-11 國民中學學生人數 Number of Students in Junior High Schools
表B3-12 國中小圖書館(室)概況 Library Statistics in Primary and Junior High Schools
表B3-13 國中小校地校舍 Gross Area and Number for Major Types of Spaces in Primary and Junior High Schools
表B3-14 國中小學生裸視視力 Primary and Junior High School Students' Visual Acuity
(四)高級中等教育 Senior Secondary Education
表B4 - 1 高級中等學校概況—按設立別分 Summary of Senior Secondary Schools - By Public and Private
表B4 - 2 高級中等學校概況—按學校所在縣市別分 Summary of Senior Secondary Schools - By Locations of Schools
表B4 - 3 高級中等學校專任教師人數 Number of Full-Time Teachers in Senior Secondary Schools
表B4 - 4 高級中等學校班級數—按學校所在縣市別分 Number of Classes in Senior Secondary Schools - By Locations of Schools
表B4 - 5 高級中等學校學生人數—按年級及年齡別分 Number of Students in Senior Secondary Schools - By Grades and Ages
表B4 - 6 高級中等學校學生人數—按學校所在縣市別分 Number of Students in Senior Secondary Schools - By Locations of Schools
表B4 - 7 高級中等學校畢業生人數—按學校所在縣市別分 Number of Graduates in Senior Secondary Schools - By Locations of Schools
表B4 - 8 高級中等學校開設普通科概況—按設立別分 Summary of General Education in Senior Secondary Schools- By Public and Private
表B4 - 9 高級中等學校開設普通科學生人數—按年級及年齡別分 Number of Students in General Education of Senior Secondary Schools - By Grades and Ages
表B4-10 高級中等學校開設專業群科概況—按類科別分 Summary of Vocational Education in Senior Secondary Schools - By Fields of Education
表B4-11 高級中等學校開設專業群科學生人數—按年級及年齡別分 Number of Students in Vocational Education of Senior Secondary Schools - By Grades and Ages
表B4-12 高級中等學校開設綜合高中概況—按設立別分 Summary of Comprehensive High School in Senior Secondary Schools - By Public and Private
表B4-13 高級中等學校開設綜合高中學生人數—按年級及年齡別分 Number of Students in Comprehensive High School of Senior Secondary Schools - By Grades and Ages
表B4-14 高級中等學校開設實用技能學程概況—按設立別分 Summary of Practical Technical Program in Senior Secondary Schools - By Public and Private
表B4-15 高級中等學校開設實用技能學程學生人數—按年級及年齡別分 Number of Students in Practical Technical Program of Senior Secondary Schools - By Grades and Ages
表B4-16 高級中等學校開設進修部概況—按設立別分 Summary of Continuing Education in Senior Secondary Schools - By Public and Private
表B4-17 高級中等學校開設進修部專業群科概況—按類科別分 Summary of Continuing Vocational Education in Senior Secondary Schools - By Fields of Education
表B4-18 高級中等學校開設進修部學生人數—按年級及年齡別分 Number of Students in Continuing Education of Senior Secondary Schools - By Grades and Ages
表B4-19 中等以下學校僑生人數 Number of Overseas Compatriot Chinese Students in Elementary and Secondary Schools
表B4-20 高級中等學校圖書館(室)概況 Library Statistics in Senior Secondary Schools
表B4-21 高級中等學校校地校舍 Gross Area and Number for Major Types of Spaces in Senior Secondary Schools
表B4-22 高級中等學校學生裸視視力 Senior Secondary School Students' Visual Acuity
表B4-23 高級中等學校學生獎懲概況 Student Rewards and Punishments in Senior Secondary Schools
(五)高等教育 Higher Education
表B5 - 1 大專校院概況 Summary of Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges
表B5 - 2 大專校院校數及研究所、科系數 Number of Schools, Graduate Schools and Departments in Universities,Colleges and Junior Colleges
表B5 - 3 大專校院研究所及科系數 Number of Graduate Schools and Departments in Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges
表B5 - 4 大專校院專任教師人數 Number of Full-Time Teachers in Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges
表B5 - 5 大專校院兼任教師人數 Number of Part-Time Teachers in Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges
表B5 - 6 大專校院學生人數—按學門別分 Number of Students in Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges - By Fields of Study
表B5 - 7 大專校院學生人數—按年齡別分 Number of Students in Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges - By Ages
表B5 - 8 大專校院學生人數—按等級別分Number of Students in Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges - By Types of Degree Programs
表B5 - 9 大專校院畢業人數—按學門別分 Number of Graduates from Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges - By Fields of Study
表B5-10 大專校院境外學生人數—按國別分 Non-citizen Students in Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges - By Countries
表B5-11 大專校院圖書館(室)概況 Library Statistics in Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges
表B5-12 宗教研修學院概況 Summary of Religious Colleges
(六)特殊教育 Special Education
表B6 - 1 特殊教育概況 Summary of Special Education
表B6 - 2 特殊教育學校概況 Summary of Special Education Schools
表B6 - 3 特殊教育學校學生人數—按年級與年齡別分 Number of Students in Special Education Schools - By Grades and Ages
表B6 - 4 幼兒園附設特教班概況 Summary of Special Education Classes Affiliated to Preschools
表B6 - 5 國小附設特教班概況 Summary of Special Education Classes Affiliated to Primary Schools
表B6 - 6 國中附設特教班概況 Summary of Special Education Classes Affiliated to Junior High Schools
表B6 - 7 高級中等學校附設特教班概況 Summary of Special Education Classes Affiliated to Senior Secondary Schools
(七)補習及進修教育 Supplementary and Continuing Education
表B7 - 1 國民中小學補習學校概況—按設立別分 Summary of Supplementary Schools Affiliated to Primary and Junior High Schools - By Public and Private
表B7 - 2 國民中小學補習學校概況—按學校所在縣市別分 Summary of Supplementary Schools Affiliated to Primary and Junior High Schools - By Locations of Schools
表B7 - 3 國民中小學補習學校學生人數—按年級與年齡別分 Number of Students in Supplementary Schools Affiliated to Primary and Junior High Schools - By Grades and Ages
表B7 - 4 空大及大專進修學校概況—按設立別分 Summary of Open Universities, Continuing College and Continuing Junior Colleges-By Public and Private
表B7 - 5 空大及大專進修學校學生數及畢業生數—按細學類分 Number of Students and Graduates in Open Universities, Continuing Junior Colleges and Colleges-By Sub-detailed Field
表B7 - 6 空中大學學生數及畢業生數-大學部 Number of Students and Graduates in Open Universities - Bachelor Program
表B7 - 7 空中大學學生數及畢業生數-專科部 Number of Students and Graduates in Open Universities - 2-Year Junior College
表B7 - 8 技專校院附設空中進修學院學生數 Number of Students in Open Continuing Junior College Affiliated to the Universities of Technology
(八)相關參考表 Reference Table
表B8 - 1 大專校院各校簡況 List of Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges
表B8 - 2 高級中等學校開設綜合高中一覽表 List of Comprehensive Senior High Schools in Senior Secondary Schools
附錄 Appendix
附錄一 我國教育制度簡介 Introduction to Our Education System
附錄二 現行學制 The Current School System
附錄三 教育行政系統 The Education Administration System
附錄四 教育部組織系統 Organization of Ministry of Education
附錄五 名詞解釋 Glossary