教育統計 (103年版)-ODF檔
- 封面
- 封面內頁
- 目次 Contents
- 編輯說明 Explanatory Notes
- 各級教育現況與變化趨勢分析 The Status and Trend Analysis of All Levels of Education
- 專載:近年各級學生輟學及休退學概況分析 Special Article
- 統計表 Statistical Tables
- 一、歷年度各級教育簡況 Historical Data of Education at All Levels
- (一)學校概況 Summary
- 表A1 - 1 各級學校校數 Number of Schools at All Levels
- 表A1 - 2 各級學校專任教師人數 Number of Full-Time Teachers at All Levels of Schools
- 表A1 - 3 各級學校職員人數 Number of Staffs at All Levels of Schools
- 表A1 - 4 各級學校學生人數—按設立別分 Number of Students at All Levels of Schools -By Public and Private
- 表A1 - 5 各級學校學生人數—按性別分 Number of Students at All Levels of Schools - By Gender
- 表A1 - 6 各級學校畢業生人數 Number of Graduates at All Levels of Schools
- 表A1 - 7 各級學校原住民學生概況 Students of Indigene at All Levels of Schools
- 表A1 - 8 中等以下學校班級數 Number of Classes in Elementary and Secondary Schools
- 表A1 - 9 新移民子女就讀國中小學生數 Number of Children of Lately Immigrate who Study in Primary and Junior High Schools
- 表A1-10 國民中小學中輟生人數 Number of Students Suspending from School in Primary School and Junior High School
- 表A1-11 高級中等學校學生休、退學人數 Number of Students Suspending and Withdrawaling from School in Senior Secondary Schools
- 表A1-12 大專校院學生休、退學人數 Number of Students Suspending or Withdrawing from School in Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges
- 表A1-13 大專校院外籍專任教師人數—按學門別分 Number of Full-Time Foreign Teachers in Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges - By Fields of Study
- 表A1-14 大專校院招生報考及錄取人數 Summary of Entrance Examination for Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges
- 表A1-15 大專校院延修生人數 Number of Deferred Students in Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges
- 表A1-16 大專校院新生註冊人數與註冊率 Summary of Registration Rate for Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges
- (二)教育相關指標 Education Indicators
- 表A2 - 1 各級學校平均每位教師教導學生數 Number of Students Per Teacher at All Levels
- 表A2 - 2 各級學校女性教師人數及所占比率 Number and Percentage of Female Teachers at All Levels of Schools
- 表A2 - 3 各級教育學齡人口淨在學率 Net Enrollment Rate of Each Level of Schools
- 表A2 - 4 各級教育學齡人口粗在學率 Gross Enrollment Ratio of Each Level of Schools
- 表A2 - 5 各級學校學生人數占年底人口比率 Students and Population Ratio
- 表A2 - 6 中等以下學校平均每班學生人數 Average Number of Students Per Class in Elementary and Secondary Schools
- 表A2 - 7 中等以下學校各級畢業生升學率 Net Percentage of Graduates Entering Next Levels of Education in Elementary and Secondary Schools
- (三)教育經費 Financial Resources Invested
- 表A3 - 1 教育經費占國民(內)生產毛額比率 The Percentage of Educational Expenditures to GNP, GDP
- 表A3 - 2 各級政府教育經費支出 Public Educational Expenditure by Governments
- 表A3 - 3 各級學校經費支出 Total Educational Expenditure at All Levels of Schools
- 表A3 - 4 各級學校平均每生分攤經費 Educational Expenditure Per Student at All Levels
- 表A3 - 5 大專校院平均學雜費占平均每人國內生產毛額比率 Tuition and Fees on Tertiary Education(Ave.) Per Student Relative to Per Capita GDP
- (四)留學及境外學生 Students Studying Abroad and Foreign Students
- 表A4 - 1 公費留學生出國人數 Government-financed R.O.C. Students Studying Abroad
- 表A4 - 2 公費留考錄取人數 R.O.C. Students Who Passed Government Financial Aid Exam
- 表A4 - 3 我國辦理留學簽證人數統計 Number of Students Applying for Student Visas to Study Abroad
- 表A4 - 4 大專校院境外學生人數 Non-citizen Students in Universities,Colleges and Junior Colleges
- 二、102 學年度各級教育概況 Data for the School Year 2013
- (一)各級學校 Summary of Education at All Levels
- 表B1 - 1 各級學校概況—校數、專任教師數及職員數 Summary of Education at All Levels of Schools - Numbers of Schools, Full-Time Teachers and Staffs
- 表B1 - 2 各級學校概況—學生數及畢業生數 Summary of Education at All Levels of Schools - Number of Students and Graduates
- 表B1 - 3 各級學校年齡別學生人數 Number of Students at All Levels of Schools - By Ages
- 表B1 - 4 各級學校縣市別學生人數—按學校所在縣市別分 Number of Students - By Locations of Schools
- 表B1 - 5 各級學校校園事件統計 Incidents and Misbehavior Cases at All Levels of Schools
- (二)學前教育 Preschool Education
- 表B2 - 1 幼兒園概況—按設立別分 Summary of Preschools - By Public and Private
- 表B2 - 2 幼兒園概況—按學校所在縣市別分 Summary of Preschools - By Locations of Schools
- (三)國民教育 Nine-Year Compulsory Education
- 表B3 - 1 國民小學概況—按設立別分 Summary of Primary Schools - By Public and Private
- 表B3 - 2 國民小學概況—按學校所在縣市別分 Summary of Primary Schools - By Locations of Schools
- 表B3 - 3 國民小學校數 Number of Primary Schools
- 表B3 - 4 國民小學教師人數Number of Teachers in Primary Schools
- 表B3 - 5 國民小學班級數 Number of Classes in Primary Schools
- 表B3 - 6 國民小學學生人數 Number of Students in Primary Schools
- 表B3 - 7 國民中學概況—按設立別分 Summary of Junior High Schools - By Public and Private
- 表B3 - 8 國民中學概況—按學校所在縣市別分 Summary of Junior High Schools - By Locations of Schools
- 表B3 - 9 國民中學校數 Number of Junior High Schools
- 表B3-10 國民中學教師人數 Number of Teachers in Junior High Schools
- 表B3-11 國民中學學生人數 Number of Students in Junior High Schools
- 表B3-12 國中小圖書館(室)概況 Library Statistics in Primary and Junior High Schools
- 表B3-13 國中小校地校舍概況 Gross Area and Number for Major Types of Spaces in Primary and Junior High Schools
- 表B3-14 國中小學生裸視視力 Primary and Junior High School Students' Eyesight
- (四)高級中等教育 Senior Secondary Education
- 表B4 - 1 高級中學概況—按設立別分 Summary of Senior High Schools - By Public and Private
- 表B4 - 2 高級中學概況—按學校所在縣市別分 Summary of Senior High Schools - By Locations of Schools
- 表B4 - 3 高級中學教師人數 Number of Full-Time Teachers in Senior High Schools
- 表B4 - 4 高級中學學生人數 Number of Students in Senior High Schools
- 表B4 - 5 高級中等學校開設綜合高中概況 Summary of Comprehensive High Schools
- 表B4 - 6 高級中學附設職業類科概況 Summary of Senior Vocational Courses Affiliated to Senior High Schools
- 表B4 - 7 高級職業學校概況—按設立別分 Summary of Senior Vocational Schools - By Public and Private
- 表B4 - 8 高級職業學校概況—按學校所在縣市別分 Summary of Senior Vocational Schools - By Locations of Schools
- 表B4 - 9 高級職業學校校數 Number of Senior Vocational Schools
- 表B4-10 高級職業學校教師及職員人數—按學校類別分 Number of Teachers and Staffs in Senior Vocational Schools - By Schools Classification
- 表B4-11 高級職業學校教師人數 Number of Full-Time Teachers in Senior Vocational Schools
- 表B4-12 高級職業學校班級數 Number of Classes in Senior Vocational Schools
- 表B4-13 高級職業學校學生人數—按類科別分Number of Students in Senior Vocational Schools - By Classification
- 表B4-14 高級職業學校學生人數—按年級與年齡別分 Number of Students in Senior Vocational Schools - By Grades and Ages
- 表B4-15 高級職業學校夜間部學生人數 Number of Students in the Evening Session of Senior Vocational Schools
- 表B4-16 高級職業學校畢業生人數 Number of Graduates from Senior Vocational Schools
- 表B4-17 實用技能學程概況 The Practical Technical Program
- 表B4-18 中等以下學校僑生人數Number of Overseas Compatriot Chinese Students in Elementary and Secondary Schools
- 表B4-19 高中職圖書館(室)概況 Library Statistics in Senior High and Vocational Schools
- 表B4-20 高中職校地校舍概況 Gross Area and Number for Major Types of Spaces in Senior High and Vocational Schools
- 表B4-21 高中職學生裸視視力概況 Senior High and Vocational School Students' Eyesight
- 表B4-22 高級中等學校學生獎懲人數 Cases of Student Discipline and Achievements in Senior Secondary Schools
- (五)高等教育 Higher Education
- 表B5 - 1 大專校院概況 Summary of Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges
- 表B5 - 2 大專校院校數及研究所、科系數 Number of Schools, Graduate Schools and Departments in Universities,Colleges and Junior Colleges
- 表B5 - 3 大專校院研究所及科系數 Number of Graduate Schools and Departments in Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges
- 表B5 - 4 大專校院專任教師人數 Number of Full-Time Teachers in Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges
- 表B5 - 5 大專校院兼任教師人數 Number of Part-Time Teachers in Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges
- 表B5 - 6 大專校院學生人數—按學門別分 Number of Students in Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges - By Fields of Study
- 表B5 - 7 大專校院學生人數—按年齡別分 Number of Students in Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges - By Ages
- 表B5 - 8 大專校院學生人數—按等級別分Number of Students in Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges - By Types of Degree Programs
- 表B5 - 9 大專校院畢業人數—按學門別分 Number of Graduates from Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges - By Fields of Study
- 表B5-10 大專校院境外學生人數—按國別分 Non-citizen Students in Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges - By Countries
- 表B5-11 大專校院圖書館(室)概況 Library Statistics in Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges
- 表B5-12 宗教研修學院概況 Summary of Religious Colleges
- (六)特殊教育 Special Education
- 表B6 - 1 特殊教育概況 Summary of Special Education
- 表B6 - 2 特殊教育學校概況 Summary of Special Education Schools
- 表B6 - 3 特殊教育學校學生人數—按年級及年齡別分 Number of Students in Special Education Schools - By Grades and Ages
- 表B6 - 4 幼兒園附設特教班概況 Summary of Special Education Classes Affiliated to Preschools
- 表B6 - 5 國小附設特教班概況 Summary of Special Education Classes Affiliated to Primary Schools
- 表B6 - 6 國中附設特教班概況 Summary of Special Education Classes Affiliated to Junior High Schools
- 表B6 - 7 高中、高職附設特教班概況 Summary of Special Education Classes Affiliated to Senior High and Vocational Schools
- (七)補習及進修教育 Supplementary and Continuing Education
- 表B7 - 1 國民中小學補習學校概況—按設立別分 Summary of Supplementary Schools Affiliated to Primary and Junior High Schools - By Public and Private
- 表B7 - 2 國民中小學補習學校概況—按學校所在縣市別分 Summary of Supplementary Schools Affiliated to Primary and Junior High Schools - By Locations of Schools
- 表B7 - 3 國民中小學補習學校學生人數—按年級與年齡別分 Number of Students in Supplementary Schools Affiliated to Primary and Junior High Schools - By Grades and Ages
- 表B7 - 4 高級中等進修學校概況—按設立別分 Summary of Senior Secondary Continuing Education - By Public and Private
- 表B7 - 5 高級中等進修學校概況—按學校所在縣市別分 Summary of Senior Secondary Continuing Education - By Locations of Schools
- 表B7 - 6 高級中等進修學校學生數—按年級與年齡別分 Number of Students in Senior Secondary Continuing Schools - By Grades and Ages
- 表B7 - 7 高級職業進修學校學生數及畢業生數—按學科類別分 Number of Students and Graduates in Senior Vocational Continuing Schools - By Course of Study
- 表B7 - 8 大專進修學校概況—按設立別分 Summary of Continuing College and Continuing Junior Colleges - By Public and Private
- 表B7 - 9 大專進修學校學生數及畢業生數—按科系別分 Number of Students and Graduates in Continuing Junior Colleges and Colleges - By Departments
- 表B7-10 空中大學概況 Summary of Open Universities
- 表B7-11 空中進修專校及空中進修學院學生數 Number of Students in Open Continuing Junior College and Open Continuing College
- (八)相關參考表 Reference Table
- 表B8 - 1 大專校院各校簡況 List of Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges
- 表B8 - 2 高級中等學校開設綜合高中一覽表 List of Comprehensive Senior High Schools
- 表B8 - 3 非學校型態實驗教育學生人數 Number of Students at Non-school Mode of Experimental Education
- 附錄 Appendix
- 附錄一 我國教育制度簡介 The Introduction of Our Education System
- 附錄二 現行學制 The Current School System
- 附錄三 教育行政系統 The Education Administration System
- 附錄四 教育部組織系統 Organization of Ministry of Education
- 附錄五 名詞解釋 Glossary
- 工作人員名錄
- 版權頁
- 封底